27 ott 2013

Zomtober 2013 - Week 4

Ciao a tutti,
questa settimana si conclude lo Zombtobre, anche se la mia produzione non è minimamente paragonabile a quella degli altri partecipanti a questa simpatica iniziativa, devo dire di essere soddisfatto del fatto di aver grosso modo rispettato (escludendo il ritardo iniziale) le scadenze.
Hi everyone,
this week ends Zombtober, even though my production is not remotely comparable to that of the other participants to this nice initiative, I must say I'm pleased with the fact that I roughly respected (excluding the initial delay) the one miniature per week objective.
Danish Zombie..
Questa settimana ho deciso di completare uno degli Zombi di Zombicide gentilmente donato da Lord Siwoc in ringraziamento per alcune miniature che avevo dipinto per lui...  Johnny doveva inviarmene solo tre ed invece è stata una piacevolissima sorpresa scoprire che il mio Danese preferito mi aveva spedito una copia di tutti gli Zombie del gioco base... :)
This week I decided to complete one of the Zombicide Zombies kindly donated by Lord Siwoc in gratitude for some miniatures that I painted for him ... Johnny had to send me only three of them, and instead I had the pleasant surprise to discover that my favorite Danish guy had kindly sent me a copy of all of the Zombies of the basic game ... :)
From the left: Studio miniatures, Zombicide, Wargames Factory Zombievixen

Zombicide and Hasslefree miniatures.
Per ora è tutto, spero che il modello vi piaccia....
PS: Anche se lo Zombtobre si conclude in realtà Giovedì prossimo, siccome ho diversi modelli in lavorazione al momento, ho deciso che Ci sarà un Zombtobre 4,5 la settimana prossima!! ;)
That's all for now, I hope you like the miniature...
PS: Even If the Zombtober actually ends next Thursday, since I have several models in production at the moment, I decided that there will be a 4.5 Zombtober next week! ;)

9 commenti:

  1. Very nice and well done for completing Zombtober. Great additions to anyones collection!

  2. Ah, I understand now. To start with, I was wondering how you could tell that this was a Danish zombie :-) .

    Lovely job!

  3. He could look like a Danish zombie... I see several on public transport monday morning!

    Yay I am the favorite dane!

    Looks good my friend!

  4. Looks really good, every month should be a zombie month.

  5. That's convenient, as he's my favorite Dane, too :D.

    Great paint jobs on the zombies, having just one of each makes them unique at least in your collection, he he.

  6. Isn't Lord Siwoc everyone's favourite Dane ?

    You've done an excellent job on those, they'll make great additions to your horde.

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