sono convinto che eravate scettici ma eccomi di nuovo! Stasera ho dedicato un paio di orette per portare avanti il mio Ufficiale Cadiano e posso dire di averlo praticamente ultimato.
Hi again guys,
I know you were skeptics about me posting again soon but here I am!! I've dedicated a couple of hours in painting my Cadian Officer and he's almost completed now..
![]() |
A Veteran Officer in a really bad mood... |
Il braccio sinistro (maglio escluso) è stato scolpito su di un pezzo di fil di ferro ma ho preferito coprire la spalla con uno spallaccio dell'equipaggio del Chimera Cadiano per "legare" meglio l'Ufficiale all'uniforme degli altri uomini della compagnia..
As you can see he still needs some adjustments and I have yet to paint the base, however, considering that it is a playing piece and not intended for display, and considering that I have to paint a 1500pt army, I would say that it is complete ....
The left arm (excluding the power fist) was modelled with Green stuff on some wire but I finally decided to cover the shoulder with a shoulder pad taken from the Cadian Chimera crew to give the idea that the Officer is wearing the same uniform than the rest of the Company. .
Che ve ne pare?? A me, onestamente piace!! ;)
Do you like it? Honestly, I like it a lot!! :)
He is really coming out nicely! 1500 points of guard is a lot mate
RispondiEliminaVery nice. That is indeed a lot of infantry
RispondiEliminaGreat facial features...stunning work on that especially.
RispondiEliminaMolto molto bello!
RispondiEliminaLo schema di colori è estremamente interessante, penso che dopo aver dipinto un esercito così il bianco te lo mangi!! :)
he looks great, i used to play guard,im not a fan of power gloves lol
RispondiEliminaehi sei vivo!^^
RispondiEliminaVeramente bello.
RispondiEliminaHey Guys thank you to all of you for the comments! :)
RispondiElimina@ LS and Brummie: 1500 is really a lot of infantry but I want to add some tanks too.. Rummaging in my garage I found a Demolisher, 2 or 3 regular Russ, an hellhound, a chimera, 2 valkiries and various other things.... A lot of work to do I must say... ;)
I hope I won't be chained angain in the basement, at least not when I need to paint something!! ;P
@Fran: Thank you Friend, Happy you like the way I paint faces, but I must say that this one was particularly "easy". What I mean is that the model was stunningly sculpted and it was simple to put the highlights "where they should be"!! ;)
@ Shinto: I'm not a fan of the power fists either (especially when you are a simple human with S3 T3)but I like to model them, they give a lot of character to the models I think...
@ Zerloon: Grazie mille caro, lo sai quanto mi piace facilitarmi la vita... Gli Orki sono troppi? allora faccio la Guardia... Ho troppi pezzi da dipingere per 40k? Allora gioco al fantasy... Ovviamente con l'impero, anche se ho pronti i goblin..... Che ci posso fare? Stalin diceva: quantity has a quality all its own .. Dal punto di vista modellistico si vede che ci credo! ;)
@Benedicta: Diciamo che vegeto!!! ;P
@Rob89: Grazie caro! Ho visto che stai facendo grandi cose sul tuo blog!! :)