Visto che non posso perdere tempo a navigare per il web senza meta, ho dato due pennellate alla tipa della Reaper che avevo modificato un po' di tempo fa. Niente di particolarmente elaborato ma, anche considerando il pesante lavoro di pulizia della miniatura che si era rivelato necessario, posso ritenermi soddisfatto.

Aspetto vostri consigli :)
Hi there,
since I can't surf the internet as I usually do, I've used the free time earned to quickly complete the Reaper girl I converted some time ago. Nothing too fancy but, considering the work needed to clean the miniature, I'm satisfied about her..

I only need to paint the base and she's complete..
As always your comments are really appreciated... :)
Lovely work is the comment my friend.
RispondiEliminaI like the stance she has. Tense and ready if anything should jump out! Good work.
RispondiEliminaI love what you've done on Josephine's face and the eyes are superbly executed. Nice work.
RispondiEliminaThat's a very well painted figure! My congratulations.
RispondiEliminaThank you guys.... :)
RispondiEliminaSoon I hope I'll be online without viruses(computer ones, I tried to shoot my pc in the head but I'm not sure it worked.. now I need a new monitor ;P ).
I'll publish Ralph, I made a golf club for him from scratch and I need advices before painting it... :)