dopo alcuni giorni di silenzio, volevo aggiornarvi su alcune conversioni alle quali sto lavorando. Nessuna pittura oggi... :)
Come vi accennavo alcuni giorni fa, avendo ricevuto diversi clix con i quali divertirmi, mi sto lasciando trasportare dall'ispirazione... Questo vuol dire che prendo ripetutamente il modello senza fargli nulla e, all'improvviso, comincio a stagliuzzarlo e farlo a pezzi....
Dopo aver separato i due modelli del clix di "Larry e Mike" della serie Watchmen, mi sono dedicato al più corpulento dei due...
La Seconda miniatura che ho in lavorazione è una sopravvissuta della Reaper. Come ricorderete in questo mio post, mi lamentavo del fatto che le miniature Reaper hanno una qualità di stampa veramente pessima, beh, questa miniatura era anche peggio.... La sensazione era che le due metà dello stampo fossero addirittura male allineate! La situazione era talmente pessima che ho dovuto scartare del tutto una delle braccia ed ho dovuto ricostruire la metà sinistra del volto!!!
In questi giorni cercherò di dedicarmi alla pittura, vedremo solo allora se le modifiche/sculture sono state fatte veramente bene... :)
Hello everyone,
after several days of silence, I wanted to update you on some conversions I'm working on. No painting today ... :)
As I hinted a few days ago, having received several clix, I'm still modifying some of them for the "Progetto Z".
After separating the two models of the clix "Larry and Mike" of the Watchmen serie, I have dedicated myself to the most stout of the two ..

The second miniature I'm working on, is one of the female survivor from Reaper. As you may recall in this post of mine, I complained the casting quality of the Reaper miniatures that is extremely bad.
This miniature was even worse .... The feeling was that the two halves of the mold were misaligned! The situation was so bad that I had to completely discard one of his arms and I had to rebuild the left half of her face!

In these days I will devote myself to painting them, only then we will see if modifications and sculptures were really made well ... :)
Good work and update.
RispondiEliminaAwesome modifications. Great work. Dissapointing to hear about the mould lines on the Reaper miniature again. I'm sure you'll be able to work your magic.
RispondiEliminaI really admire how you make the clix miniatures into workable miniatures for zombie games. Well done mate!!!
RispondiEliminaGreat work on the conversions. I've never ordered anything from Reaper but it is annoying to hear of stories like yours. It's unfortunate that you have to do so much work to rectify the casting problems. Still, I'm sure you are up to the challenge.
RispondiEliminaThanks to each one of you, I'm happy you like my work... :)
RispondiEliminaAbout Reaper miniatures, it's really a shame that they're so badly cast because they have some really interesting sculpts...
I'm looking at all the Reaper minis I've got and I'm noticing that all the badly cast are from the Chronoscope range.... Ummmmh I see a pattern here....