come promesso, ho cominciato a dipingere la tipa che avevo modificato nell'ultimo post.
Ho dedicato un paio di orette alla pittura della pelle ed ho provato delle tecniche diverse dal solito e con più "contrasto" per far risaltare di più il pezzo sul tavolo da gioco. Non sono del tutto soddisfatto ma non mi posso neanche lamentare.
Che ve ne pare? Gliele faccio le lentigini??? ;)
Hello guys,
as promised, I've started the painting of the girl that I had modified in my last post.
I spent a couple of hour or so painting the skin and I tried a different technique than usual trying to add more "contrast" between shadow and lights to try to bring out more the model on the tabletop. I'm not completely satisfied but, honestly, I cannot complain.
What do you think? Should I give her some freckles?? ;)
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Eviterei le lentiggini, per il resto mi sembra stia venendo su molto, ma molto bene!
RispondiEliminaGreat looking figure - the paint work has a lot of detail.
RispondiEliminaWho makes the figure?
great job, i love your work
RispondiEliminaamazing love it from start to finish love this blog post.
RispondiElimina@Shelldrake, see previous post.
RispondiEliminaShe is looking pretty good. And yes...freckles!!!
She looks fantastic, absolutley love the face
RispondiEliminaShe's beautiful, can I have her number.
RispondiEliminaAmazing work, love it. She looks like Milla! :)
RispondiEliminaAh - I see! wow - that makes the figure even better! fantastic work, and I am jealous as I lack zero ability for these things.
RispondiEliminaBrilliant work.
RispondiEliminaGreat paintjob on a really fine conversion. I agree with Adam, she does look like St. Milla (praise be her name!).
RispondiEliminaThank you guys!! :)
RispondiEliminaI hope to finish her in the weekend along with 3 other clix I've modified... We'll see..
@Shelldrake: Since I started to use rubber clayshapers, my "sculpting life" changed completely... You should try them.. :)
@Vampi: Hi Bryan, lurking your blog I remember you've sculpted from scratch (and really really well) a group of schoolgirls, why don't you do a post with all your scratch built miniatures? I'm sure a lot of visitors will love it!! :)
Gnotta, that's not a bad idea, in theory, for a post showing all my scratchbuilt minis. I say "in theory", because the problem is I have far too many! I started sculpting minis around about 1980. I still have my original sculpts and frankly, they are awful! It might be good to post them for a laugh. However, as with everything, practice makes perfect, and the stuff I made in the 1990's and 2000's are very good. I'm not against your idea but it is something that would have to cover many posts.