And now the second part of my, perhaps, overly narrated Battlereport... ;)
Nel frattempo, in strada, la situazione si stava facendo particolarmente movimentata. Dale osservava Kurt con apprensione crescente, infatti, per quanto quest'ultimo si stesse dimostrando un eccellente tiratore, per ogni creatura abbattuta, almeno altre due sembravano prenderne il posto. In pochi istanti, il vicolo davanti a loro era ormai pieno di non morti e non era possibile continuare in quella direzione.
""Che ca**o fate!?!?!"" Ema si era affacciata dalla finestra del primo piano e, tutt'altro che di buon umore, stava imprecando nella loro direzione con trasporto.
""Ho tutto sotto controllo sorella!!"" fu la risposta di Kurt che, forse per enfatizzare il fatto che nessuno poteva permettersi di dirgli come comportarsi, esplose un'altra fucilata che fece saltare la testa ad uno Zombie in una divisa militare lacera. Ema, vista la situazione giù in strada, sempre più fuori di sé, si rese conto che non vi era modo di uscire da dove era entrata, dopo una veloce occhiata al viale principale sul davanti del palazzo, si rese conto che la via era praticamente libera tranne qualche sparuta figura in lontananza. Le due ragazze si scambiarono una veloce occhiata e scesero di corsa le scale andandosi quasi a scontrare con Kurt che stava sbarrando dall'interno la porta che dava sul retro.
<< Dov'è Dale? >> Kurt le rispose a mezzabocca qualcosa a proposito di un'esca che Emanuelle non si sentì di voler chiarire.
Meanwhile, in the street, the situation was becoming turbulent. Dale was more and more concerned about Kurt's bad habit to shoot at everything which moved in front of them. Even if he was revealing himself as a sharpshooter, for each Z bagged, two more took it's place, not the best strategy.. In a few moments, the street was filled with undeads and it was clearly impossible to continue in that direction.
""What the f*ck are you doing!?!?!?"" Ema looked down to them from the first floor window and, far from being in a good mood, she was swearing in their direction with force.
""Everything under control sister!!"" was Kurt's answer and, perhaps to emphasize the fact that no one could tell him how to behave, he fired again blewing the head of a Zombie in a torn military uniform.
Ema, given the situation down the road, more angry than ever, realized that there was no way out from where she entered the building, after a quick glance at the main boulevard in front of the palace, she realized that the street was practically Z free except for a few emaciated figures in the distance. The two girls then exchanged a quick glance and went down the stairs almost bumping in Kurt who was barring the back door from the inside.
""Where's Dale?"" She asked and Kurt replied something about a bait that Emanuelle didn't wanted to really clarify.
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Fare da esca - Acting as a bait |
They were already running through the lane when Dale also appeared behind them running like a madman with a large group of undead at his heels.
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L'orda si avvicina - The Orde is approaching |
As soon as they had passed the first of the ruined building, a zombie suddenly appeared from the rubble and grabbed Kurt's leg. This stop allowed Dale to keep up at the very moment in which the hairy biker shattered the skull of the creature with the butt of his M14.
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Il gruppo si sfalda - The group stretches |
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Attaccati a sorpresa, soluzione veloce. - Surprised by the attack, swift solution |
"" Fai un po' come ti pare! "" fu il suo pensiero e ricominciò a correre verso le ragazze che lo stavano ormai distanziando.
Kurt iniziò ad arrampicarsi su di un camion semi sepolto fra le macerie urlando come un ossesso e sparando a raffica fra gli zombie. Arrivato in cima, l'uomo finì i colpi nel caricatore e, non potendolo sostituire, si arrampicò su quello che rimaneva del primo piano del palazzo crollato.
Now in the throes of a blind fury that bordered on madness, Kurt began to scream and curse to the horde that was rapidly approaching. When Dale tried to bring him to reason, the only thing he got was a punch that sent him against the wall.
"" Do as you want then! "" was his thought and he continued to run towards the girls who were now distancing him.
Kurt began to climb up a truck half buried in the rubbles, screaming like a banshee and blasting away with his rifle at the zombies. At the top, the man finished his ammos and, not being able to replace his clip, he climbed up to what was left of the first floor of the collapsed building.
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Up hill.... |
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Last stand? |
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Maybe not... |
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The group is at a safe distance now.... |
Appena si incrociarono, indicando la porta dalla quale era appena uscita, la bionda lo apostrofò semplicemente con un "" Ora è pulita..."" e, mentre lo diceva, prese lo scatolone con lo scatolame dalle mani della nuova ragazza e lo sbattè senza cerimonie in braccio a Dale ""Portalo tu!"" concluse semplicemente. Il ragazzo la guardò con aria stupida non sapendo cosa rispondere.
Era ancora inebetito che la ragazza era già scattata verso un altro vicolo con la roscia che la seguiva come calamitata.
As soon as he crossed the road, Dale turned around one last time and all he saw was Kurt's back, perched on what looked like a crumbling balcony, changing the magazine of his rifle and starting to fire again at something under him. Convinced that time has come for that crazy maniac, the boy turned and kept running as fast as possible towards the door where the girls were gone.
He was finishing the steps that the two girls came out running from the door while Ema turned to fire her gun in the gloom of the corridor...
As soon as they crossed, pointing to the door by which she had just come out, the blonde just addressed him ""It's clean now ..."" and, as she said that, she took the box with the canned goods from the hands of the new girl and slammed it unceremoniously into Dale's arms "" You carry it! "" she concluded simply. The boy looked at her with a stupid face not knowing what to say. He was still stunned that the girl had already taken to another alley with the Red head firmly behind her.
Per ora è tutto, l'ultima parte a breve e spero che il racconto, finora vi piaccia. Se siete veramente troppo impazienti di sapere com'è finita, andate a leggere il report di Zerloon che aveva i suoi bei problemi dall'altra parte della città.... ;)
That's all for now, soon the last part and I hope that you like the story so far. If you are really too impatient to know how that turned out, go read Zerloon's report (in Italian) which also had its problems other side of the town .... ;)
I love the last stand action!
RispondiEliminaSorry I'm off to Zerloon's but will be back, Kurt is a knob.
RispondiEliminaGreat stuff. Looking forward to the next part.
RispondiEliminaThis is awesome. Your figures look fantastic on the table, seeing them al together they come axcross as real 'everyman' people. Great battle report. I love the narrative style. Off to Zerloon's blog now! :)
RispondiEliminaGreat stuff, Gnotta! I like that you and Zerloon are writing in tandem on the same batrep. It's always nice to get a different perspective on the action. Kurt deserves to die! Bring on part 3!
RispondiEliminaCool looking game!
RispondiEliminaOttima partita, in effetti è stato divertente fare un Batrep assieme, la prossima volta con più interazione! :D