approfittando della giornata libera per la "Festa della Repubblica", io e Zerloon abbiamo deciso di fare una partitona a "Progetto Z"... Dopo una veloce partita di un paio di orette, e rullini interi (si fa per dire) di foto, eccoci a a pensare ad una storia adatta ad accompagnare i nostri eroi...
A breve, avrete un Report su com'è andata....

Hello everyone,
taking advantage of the free day for the Italian "Republic Day", me and Zerloon decided to do a quick game of "Project Z" ... After a quick game of a couple of hours, and quite a few photos, time has come to think of a little suitable story to accompany our heroes ...
Soon, you'll have a full report on how it went ....

I had a practice game with two friends as well! May have to do a little battle report.
RispondiEliminaLooking forward to yours mate!
Cool!!! great to hear Sir - can't wait to hear, and see, how things went
RispondiEliminaA bit of zombie action - cool! As for a story to accompany your photos - yes, please! Bring it on!
RispondiEliminaThe only real problem is... "How in hell will I be able to write a good batrep in decent English?" ... QUESTIONS ..... ;)
RispondiEliminaLooking forward to it, lots of pictures and a few words then.
RispondiEliminaVery cool. This will be good.
RispondiEliminaOttimo! Non vedo l'ora di sentire il report!
RispondiEliminaPS: grazie per aver incluso il mio blog nel novero di quelli da conoscere! ;)